Installing NPM and Yeoman on Ubuntu 14.10

Behind the Corporate Proxy

I'm writing this one down as it took me so long to work out. As always, the setting is a corporate environment, so the real title for this should be something like:

Installing NPM and Yeoman on Ubuntu 14.10 Behind a Corporate Proxy.

In fact, there's a lot more happening here than just NPM and Yeoman, and the title could have been more like:

Installing NPM, NodeJS, Grunt, Bower, Yeoman, Compass and AngularJS on an Ubuntu 14.10 Docker Container Behind a Corporate Proxy.

Since I am doing this an Ubuntu 14.10 Docker container, my proxy URL looks like this:

Throughout this guide, when you see proxy configurations of this kind, please substitute the correct proxy host and port for your environment.

Please Note - this guide assumes that some base utilities are available on your platform, including curl and git. These can be installed using apt by running:

apt-get install curl git -y

For details on how to get Aptitude up and running behind a proxy, please see the post: Apt and the Corporate Proxy.


The following sites helped me put this post together:

In addition, I made use of information across a range of sites to find consistent ways of getting tools like apt, npm, gem, grunt, bower etc. to all work correctly behind a corporate proxy.

Step 1 - Install Latest nodejs via nodesource

This is a variation of the steps provided on the Joyent Wiki, Installing Node.js Via Package Manager, with support for interacting with a corporate proxy.

  1. As the root user, create a new file called /root/.curlrc with the following contents:

    proxy =

    Where the proxy host and port values are replaced by those from your environment.

  2. Run the setup script straight off the web using:

    curl -sL | sudo bash -

    After a successful run, the script will indicate that apt-get install is ready to run:

  3. Install nodejs using the following:

    apt-get install nodejs -y
  4. Check that npm has installed successfully by runing npm --version, you should see something like this:

Step 2 - Using npm to Upgrade npm

This is one method I found worked to get npm upgraded to the very latest version available.

  1. Create a new file called /root/.npmrc with the following contents:

    proxy =
    https-proxy =
  2. Run the following to retrieve and install the latest version of npm:

    npm install -g npm@latest

    The output should look something like the following:

  3. Check that the latest npm is available on the path by npm --version. A newer version number from the one reported earlier will be displayed:

Step 3 - Install Grunt, Bower, Yeoman and the Angular Generator

  1. Install the latest Grunt and Bower package by running the following:

    npm install -g grunt grunt-cli bower

    Check the installed versions of Grunt and Bower by running grunt --version && bower --version, the result should look like the following:

  2. Install Yeoman by running:

    npm install -g yo

    Check the version of Yeoman by running yo --version, the result should look like the following:

  3. Install the Yeoman angular project generator globally using the following:

    npm install -g generator-angular

    Note the name used here, since both generator-angular and angular-generator will both return a successful result, however it is the generator-angular package that we want for this example.

    A successful install will look something like the following:

Step 4 - Install Compass

Our example Angular project will use compass, which we will install via the ruby gem.

  1. Install the following packages to get gem and the build tools required to install compass:

    apt-get install ruby-full build-essential -y
  2. Create a new file called /root/.gemrc with the following contents:

  3. Install compass by running:

    gem install compass --pre

    When successful, the version of compass can be checked using compass --version:

Step 5 - Create New User for Angular Project

It is recommended that the Yeoman application, or the yo command, is not run by root as this may cause some of the tools to start complaining about security and file permissions (please see this thread for an example of some of the issues that you may encounter when running as root). Instead, we will create a new user to set up the new Angular project.

For this example, the new user will be called developer, however any valid username can be used here.

  1. Create a new non-root user to manage the new Angular project by running:

    adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" developer
  2. Ensure that developer has sudo access by updating /etc/sudoers and adding the following entry:

    developer ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
  3. Switch to the developer user and create a new file called ~/.npmrc with the same contents as for root:

    proxy =
    https-proxy =
  4. To allow bower to use the proxy, create a new file called ~/.bowerrc with the following contents:

  5. Lastly, still as the developer user, run the following to ensure that git also uses the proxy when called from bower:

    git config --global http.proxy
    git config --global https.proxy

Step 6 - Start New Angular Project

  1. Still as the developer user, create a new project called example and install the generator for the project, by running:

    mkdir ~/example && cd ~/example
    npm install generator-angular

    Please ignore the warning about the ~/.bowerrc during this execution. We are choosing convenience over safety by using a global config file instead of one per project. While the suggestion is great, I can't see the corporate proxy here going away any time soon.

  2. Start the generator by running:

    yo angular

    When prompted with questions, stick with the default settings for now.

    Please be patient with this section as the generator installs and configures a range of packages, includeing bower and grunt, to start off the new project.

Step 7 - Grunt Serve

  1. At this point, we can see the result of the Yeoman generated project by running:

    grunt serve

    If all goes well, we will be able to visit http://localhost:9000 and see the following site:

A Note About Grunt Serve on Docker

I used a docker container for the purpose of documenting this guide, with a port configuration mapping the docker host port 9000 to the container's port 9000. Initially, my browser failed to see the grunt serve process as the default configuration in the Gruntfile.js file is set to only receive connections from the local machine.

In order for the browser to see the grunt serve process through the port forwarding on the docker host, I had to update the Gruntfile.js configuration of the project so that the connectoptionshostname value on line 71 pointed to

Then when the grunt serve process was restarted the site was served through to the docker host as expected.

Written on March 10, 2015